Welcome to the first post for Linger Abroad, which starts in the Los Angeles International Airport at Gate 134. We are less than two hours away from boarding our 10 hour flight with Norwegian Airlines shuttle to our first destination of our 25-day European trip: a 2 hour layover in Sweden!…Then it’s another 3 hours before we get to the real starting point of our trip in Barcelona. Talk about a really slow start to a trip!

But it’ll all be worth it, as our trip continues on a 12-day Mediterranean cruise through France, Italy, Greece and Turkey, and finishes up in the landscapes of Iceland. We’re excited to share the cultures we learn, the food we eat, the people we meet, tips we find and, of course, photos that we capture and we hope you join us on this amazing journey through Europe! Adios, we’ll be back soon!

Linger Abroad with us!
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